for you...You Fabulous Photographer, You!
Jessica Zellars
Name: Jessica Zellars Photography
Franklin, IN
Q: What gear
is in your camera bag?
A: I have a Canon 7D, 50mm 1.4 and 85mm 1.8. I also carry a
gray card, backup batteries & memory cards, of course. I also
Q: What is
your favorite lens to use and why?
A: I find myself using my 50mm 1.4 most of the
time. I super love it!
Q: Give us
one sentence to describe the style of your photography.
A: Laid back, natural,
lifestyle photography with a fresh, classic feel.
Q: What
caused your interest in photography?
A: I discovered my love for photography just
after high school, when I found myself wanting to capture ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING
on film with my point & shoot. My hubby bought me my first SLR camera in
2002, and that's when I officially fell in love with photography. It really
blew up when had children, though. I have BOXES and BOXES of photographs of my
kids throughout every stage of their lives.
Q: What is
your favorite thing to shoot and why?
A: Babies! I love 'em. Newborns, in
particular. They are just so innocent and sweet. Being able to capture the
purity of a new baby makes my heart smile. Nothing beats catching a teeny
little smile or a sleepy yawn on camera.
Q: How long
did it take before you felt that you established a solid portfolio?
A: Still
working on it! I'll probably always be
adding to & changing it, because I hope to continue to improve and evolve
as a photographer.
Q: How long
did it take you to discover your style of photography?
A: Not long! I've always
known that my style is more natural and classic, with the focus always being on
the subject.
Q: What
inspires you most?
A: My family! My hubby and I have four awesome kids that
inspire me to be a better photographer AND person every day. They're also
really cute.
Q: How long
does it typically take you to edit a portrait shoot? Weddings?
A: I won't be
shooting my first weddings until this summer & fall. Eek! But most of my
portrait sessions take anywhere from 4-8 hours to edit, depending on what I'm
working on. I'm a bit of a perfectionist.
Q: Do you
use studio equipment? If so, what would you say is the most crucial piece in
your studio and why?
A: Not really. I shoot on location only. And it's all natural
light for this gal. I love it! I do have a “traveling studio” that I bring
along to my newborn sessions, which includes my trusty beanbag, tons of
blankets, lots of baskets & other cute props, and some floordrops (which I
LOVE by the way!). The parents probably think I'm moving in when I show up at
their door!

Q: What are
you looking most forward to this year...Both professionally, and personally?
A: Growing! Professionally, I'm really happy with how far I've come in just the
last year, and I can't wait to see what the next year brings! Personally, I
look forward to spending more quality time with my little lovelies. I've been
so busy with work over the last year, and I'm really looking forward to slowing
things down a bit, and spending more time with those that mean the most to me.
Q: Do you
ever get "bored" with your work? If so, what do you do to shake
things up?
A: No way! I LOVE what I do. If I ever start calling it “work” then I
need to make some changes. Right now, I look forward to each and every session,
and I hope it stays that way!!! I am unbelievably lucky to be able to do what I
love, and I am so grateful for that!
A: I offer my clients a completely customized portrait session. I want
them to feel totally comfortable with me, and know that the photos will reflect
who THEY are, and not just who I am as a photographer. I always try to execute
any ideas they might have, and try to truly capture THEM in the images. I think
this is really important!
Q: Do you
have an idea for a shoot, but have no clue how you are going to make it happen?
A: Hmmm...not yet! Sometimes my kids get lucky and get to test out some of my
ideas for me ahead of time. ;)
Q: How do
you balance your personal life with your work life?
A: This is a tough one for me.
I'm really working on it, but it is HARD. I usually end up editing WAY too late
at night, so that I'm not working so much during the times I could be spending
with the family. I think I need to learn how to say NO, and not bite off more
than I can chew. I sometimes get a little too excited, and take on more than I
Q: If you
could live anywhere, where would it be?
A: I like to complain about Indiana when
it's really hot or really cold, but the truth is, I'm pretty happy here. I
would really miss the changing seasons if I moved somewhere else. I would
however, really like to own some land with mature trees and possibly a
pond....with frogs.
Q: Where do
you see yourself in 10 years?
A: Maybe working out of an adorable little natural
light studio on that lovely pond I was just talking about. :)
Q: What are
you most proud of? Both professionally and personally?
A: I'm SOOOO proud of my
kids!!! They are all so different, but all so smart and funny, in their own
ways. I know everyone is proud of their children, but mine truly are the best!!
Professionally, I'd have to say I'm proud of my improvement in my first year of
business. I look back at photos I took just 6 months ago, and I can see such
progress already. It makes me anxious for the next 6 months!
Q: Describe
in one paragraph what a perfect day for you would look like.
A: My perfect day
would include waking up sometime after noon, reading a good book while drinking
coffee with too much sugar, then spending the rest of the day playing with my
kids and eating cake. I know that sounds boring to most, but it sounds lovely to
Q: What
turns you on the most creatively and what turns you off?
A: I'm turned ON by a
challenge. I am always looking to push myself out of my comfort zone and try
something different! I'm totally turned OFF by negativity. I love feeling like
part of a community with other photographers and artists, helping and inspiring
each other, and I really try to avoid the negativity in the industry that can
bring you down if you let it!!
Q: As far
as marketing your business goes, what would you say are the most important and
beneficial things to do when you want to get your name out there?
A: I want to
make sure my clients have a wonderful experience with me so that they will feel
comfortable recommending me to others. Word of mouth is by far the best way to
get your name out there, and has been my only source of business thus far.
Facebook has helped a little, too. ;)
Q: What's
the one piece of advice that you feel a person just starting a photography
business would benefit from?
A: Stay positive!! Don't get discouraged when things
don't work out exactly how you thought they would. If you love what you're
doing, stick with it. We ALL make mistakes....the real challenge is learning
how to turn them into learning experiences. It took me 10 years to gather
enough courage to put myself out there, and I am so happy I did!
Thank you so much Jessica! I have to say that I really relate to you. It's a good reminder that we aren't the only ones who have so much fun with our photography that we struggle with a day to day balancing act! (I know I do!). Thank you for being real and honest. I really believe that this is the number ONE struggle for photog Moms! Although, I will say that having kids is a GREAT way to practice every single day and is also a great way to spend time with them! You inspire us, Thank You!
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Here's Jessica's Facebook Fan Page. Become a fan! Jessica's FB fanpage