Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fab Photog: Jessica Zellars Photography

Questions for you...You Fabulous Photographer, You!
Name: Jessica Zellars
Business Name: Jessica Zellars Photography
Location: Franklin, IN
Q:  What gear is in your camera bag? 
A: I have a Canon 7D, 50mm 1.4 and 85mm 1.8. I also carry a gray card, backup batteries & memory cards, of course. I also 

Q: What is your favorite lens to use and why? 
A: I find myself using my 50mm 1.4 most of the time. I super love it!

Q: Give us one sentence to describe the style of your photography. 
A: Laid back, natural, lifestyle photography with a fresh, classic feel.

Q: What caused your interest in photography? 
A: I discovered my love for photography just after high school, when I found myself wanting to capture ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING on film with my point & shoot. My hubby bought me my first SLR camera in 2002, and that's when I officially fell in love with photography. It really blew up when had children, though. I have BOXES and BOXES of photographs of my kids throughout every stage of their lives. 
Q: What is your favorite thing to shoot and why? 
A: Babies! I love 'em. Newborns, in particular. They are just so innocent and sweet. Being able to capture the purity of a new baby makes my heart smile. Nothing beats catching a teeny little smile or a sleepy yawn on camera.

Q: How long did it take before you felt that you established a solid portfolio? 
A: Still working on it! I'll probably always  be adding to & changing it, because I hope to continue to improve and evolve as a photographer.

Q: How long did it take you to discover your style of photography? 
A: Not long! I've always known that my style is more natural and classic, with the focus always being on the subject. 

Q:  What inspires you most? 
A: My family! My hubby and I have four awesome kids that inspire me to be a better photographer AND person every day. They're also really cute. 
Q: How long does it typically take you to edit a portrait shoot? Weddings? 
A: I won't be shooting my first weddings until this summer & fall. Eek! But most of my portrait sessions take anywhere from 4-8 hours to edit, depending on what I'm working on. I'm a bit of a perfectionist.

Q: Do you use studio equipment? If so, what would you say is the most crucial piece in your studio and why? 
A: Not really. I shoot on location only. And it's all natural light for this gal. I love it! I do have a “traveling studio” that I bring along to my newborn sessions, which includes my trusty beanbag, tons of blankets, lots of baskets & other cute props, and some floordrops (which I LOVE by the way!). The parents probably think I'm moving in when I show up at their door! 

Q: What are you looking most forward to this year...Both professionally, and personally?
A: Growing! Professionally, I'm really happy with how far I've come in just the last year, and I can't wait to see what the next year brings! Personally, I look forward to spending more quality time with my little lovelies. I've been so busy with work over the last year, and I'm really looking forward to slowing things down a bit, and spending more time with those that mean the most to me.

Q: Do you ever get "bored" with your work? If so, what do you do to shake things up? 
A: No way! I LOVE what I do. If I ever start calling it “work” then I need to make some changes. Right now, I look forward to each and every session, and I hope it stays that way!!! I am unbelievably lucky to be able to do what I love, and I am so grateful for that!
Q: What's the one thing about your work that you feel sets you apart from the big sea of photogs? 
A: I offer my clients a completely customized portrait session. I want them to feel totally comfortable with me, and know that the photos will reflect who THEY are, and not just who I am as a photographer. I always try to execute any ideas they might have, and try to truly capture THEM in the images. I think this is really important!

Q: Do you have an idea for a shoot, but have no clue how you are going to make it happen?
A: Hmmm...not yet! Sometimes my kids get lucky and get to test out some of my ideas for me ahead of time. ;)

Q:  How do you balance your personal life with your work life? 
A: This is a tough one for me. I'm really working on it, but it is HARD. I usually end up editing WAY too late at night, so that I'm not working so much during the times I could be spending with the family. I think I need to learn how to say NO, and not bite off more than I can chew. I sometimes get a little too excited, and take on more than I should. 
Q: If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
A: I like to complain about Indiana when it's really hot or really cold, but the truth is, I'm pretty happy here. I would really miss the changing seasons if I moved somewhere else. I would however, really like to own some land with mature trees and possibly a pond....with frogs.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 
A: Maybe working out of an adorable little natural light studio on that lovely pond I was just talking about. :) 
Q: What are you most proud of? Both professionally and personally?
A: I'm SOOOO proud of my kids!!! They are all so different, but all so smart and funny, in their own ways. I know everyone is proud of their children, but mine truly are the best!! Professionally, I'd have to say I'm proud of my improvement in my first year of business. I look back at photos I took just 6 months ago, and I can see such progress already. It makes me anxious for the next 6 months!

Q: Describe in one paragraph what a perfect day for you would look like. 
A: My perfect day would include waking up sometime after noon, reading a good book while drinking coffee with too much sugar, then spending the rest of the day playing with my kids and eating cake. I know that sounds boring to most, but it sounds lovely to me.
Q: What turns you on the most creatively and what turns you off?
A: I'm turned ON by a challenge. I am always looking to push myself out of my comfort zone and try something different! I'm totally turned OFF by negativity. I love feeling like part of a community with other photographers and artists, helping and inspiring each other, and I really try to avoid the negativity in the industry that can bring you down if you let it!!
Q: As far as marketing your business goes, what would you say are the most important and beneficial things to do when you want to get your name out there? 
A: I want to make sure my clients have a wonderful experience with me so that they will feel comfortable recommending me to others. Word of mouth is by far the best way to get your name out there, and has been my only source of business thus far. Facebook has helped a little, too. ;)

Q: What's the one piece of advice that you feel a person just starting a photography business would benefit from? 
A: Stay positive!! Don't get discouraged when things don't work out exactly how you thought they would. If you love what you're doing, stick with it. We ALL make mistakes....the real challenge is learning how to turn them into learning experiences. It took me 10 years to gather enough courage to put myself out there, and I am so happy I did! 
Thank you so much Jessica! I have to say that I really relate to you. It's a good reminder that we aren't the only ones who have so much fun with our photography that we struggle with a day to day balancing act! (I know I do!). Thank you for being real and honest. I really believe that this is the number ONE struggle for photog Moms! Although, I will say that having kids is a GREAT way to practice every single day and is also a great way to spend time with them! You inspire us, Thank You! 
 Here's Jessica's Facebook Fan Page. Become a fan! Jessica's FB fanpage

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sweet Giveaway Alert!

If you haven't already seen the sweet giveaway that AK Studio & Design is hosting, head over to this giveaway and enter NOW! They are giving away $1001 worth of prizes for having 1001 facebook fans! Yay!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

Thought I would share some photos that I took today of our daughter, Charly. Her Nana knitted this ADORABLE sweater and bought her the dress, just for Easter Sunday! Thanks Nana!
Oh! The CUTENESS!!! It's killing me!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tonya Poitevint Photography

I'm so excited to introduce you to Tonya Poitevint! We fell in love with her sweet, ethereal style of photography and just HAD to pick her brain! We love Tonya's, "imperfection is perfection!" approach!

Here's our interview with Tonya...

                   Name: Tonya Poitevint                     
Business Name: Tonya Poitevint Photography
Location: Southern Oregon
Website/Blog: My website is currently "under construction", but you can view some of my work at my Facebook page:

 The Beautiful, Tonya Poitevint!
Q: What gear is in your camera bag? 
A: "My gear is very simple. I shoot with a Canon 50D and a 50 1.4  and a 35 1.4 lens.  Aside from memory cards, batteries, lip-gloss and a hair band, that's it!"

Q: What is your favorite lens to use and why? 
A: "I gravitate towards prime lenses.  Right now I'm loving the 35 1.4"

Q: Give us one sentence to describe the style of your photography.   
A: "Timeless, candid, ethereal lifestyle photography with an artistic and quirky flair!"

Q: What caused your interest in photography?   
A: "I feel it has been a natural progression in the sense that I always enjoyed photographing my children.  My oldest is almost 11 and since he was born, I had been using a point and shoot to take gazillions of photos to document daily life.  After pushing my p&s to it's limit, I finally convinced myself to upgrade to a DSLR approximately a year and a half ago.  A whole new world opened up and I was able to expand creatively, develop a shooting style and increase my knowledge of all things photography!"

Q: What is your favorite thing to shoot and why?  
A: "I love photographing my kiddos!  Watching them explore, play, be themselves and capturing it all is my most favorite thing to do and when I have the honor of photographing others, I find that a huge bonus!"

Q: How long did it take before you felt that you established a solid portfolio? 
A: "I took a year to build a portfolio that I was comfortable with.  I was able to photograph many families, children and babies, and in doing so, I grew a portfolio and started to develop a style." 

Q: How long did it take you to master your skill and discover your style of photography?  
A: "Oh gosh...I feel like I'm still mastering my skill, and probably always will be in a state of learning and growing.  As far as style goes, for me it's more about evolving each and every day and with every shoot.  Rather than trying so hard to define a style, for me, it's more about photographing from the heart, photographing what I love, and telling a story through the images I take.  I believe, that style naturally manifests when you're photographing what speaks to you."

 Q: What inspires you most?   
A: " that a word? I love REAL! To me, it's unexpected inspiration and when it appears, magic happens!. Unexpected moments happening in real life, with real people, real emotions, real imagination, real interactions....this inspires me. And when this surfaces I can't help but become inspired and awestruck!"

Q: How long does it typically take you to edit a portrait shoot?  
A: "I like the editing process, but I won't spend hours and hours on it and this has evolved with time!  Initially I couldn't get enough of the editing side of it, but now, if I find myself spending longer hours editing,  I can feel myself getting antsy to go out and shoot!  Also, my children are great time keepers and when it seems like I'm "on the computer" too long, they let me know and I'm glad they do.  So, an average shoot (1-2 hours) with approximately 50 images, takes me about 4 hours to edit."

Q: Do you use studio equipment? If so, what would you say is the most crucial piece in your studio and why? 
A: "I currently don't have a studio."
Q: What are you looking most forward to this year...Both professionally, and personally?  
A: "Professionally, growing my business, staying true to me, and upgrading my equipment.  Personally, it would be settling into my 40's gracefully, and embracing all FUN that comes my way, letting go a little bit and finding that balance between family, fun and work!"

 Q: What keeps you going when you feel like slowing down? 
A: "Inspiration and incentive to keep moving hard and strong can come at any moment, but when it doesn't, I typically give in to the "slow down".  Usually there is a good reason to take a step back and breath.  I try to be very aware of this.  My Dad always said you "can't push a rope", so when I feel like I'm forcing something to happen it usually isn't meant to be!"

Q: What's the one thing about your work that you feel sets you apart from the big sea of photogs?
A: "As much as it's becoming cliche to say, I'd say ME!!!  Many other photographers have the same camera or lenses I use, they use the same actions or editing style, they frequent the same locations, if I'm banking on that to "make me different", it's not going to happen.  The one thing that no one else can copy is what I, individually, can bring to the proverbial personality, my insights, my quirks, all the little things that make me tick!"

  Q: Do you have an idea for a shoot, but have no clue how you are going to make it happen? 
A: "I enjoy challenges and fresh perspectives, so I'm in constant search of new and fun ideas and bringing them to fruition.  Sometimes my "vision" doesn't turn out the way I had hoped, and it's not always perfect, but often times, I prefer this more.  Imperfection is perfection!"

Q: Is there anything more important than your photography? If so, what is it?  
A: "Of course! My kiddos and husband is where it's at and without them, NOTHING else matters!  They are my everyday, day in and day out inspiration!"

Q: If you could live anywhere, where would it be? 
A: "I'm kind of a hermit at heart and as lame as it sounds, I love where I live now!  I love my town and the life that surrounds me.  I'm living the "bloom where you are planted" mantra, BUT if I were to be "planted" in the Italian countryside, I would embrace that reality too!"

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?  
A: "It's hard for me to visualize past next week, and I use to be very good at doing this, before I had children.  Now, it's more about living in the moment and my children have taught me this!  I want to be happy, I want my kiddos to be happy and I want to continue seeking contentment in the "everyday" of life...the routine, the mundane even.  For me, this is where true happiness resides and I want to be right in the middle of it, now and in 10 years!"

 Q: What are you most proud of? Both professionally and personally?  
A: "Personally, I am most proud of our children and the people they are becoming. Professionally, I am proud of the determination I have in making this little dream of mine a reality."

Q:  Describe in one paragraph what a perfect day for you would look like.  
A: "Well, it would entail  a slow and lazy start to a beautiful Fall (my favorite season) morning.  Spending time with my  family all day enjoying nature, some play time, a long walk and wrapping up the day with some good food, good wine, outside under the warm sunshine on a blanket listening to a concert given by the Gipsy Kings....of course, none of this would be planned and it would all happen favorite way for things to unfold!"

Q: What turns you on the most creatively and what turns you off? 
A: "ON: Authenticity OFF: Obligation"

Q: What's the one piece of advice that you feel a person just starting a photography business would benefit from?  
A: "To not be fearful.  Fear is paralyzing and stifling.  It keeps you from asking questions, it keeps you from risking, and growing and it slows you down.  I have let "fear" of many things keep me from moving forward, and looking back, it's just not worth it.  Don't be afraid to begin, sometimes that first step forward is all you need to start the momentum of success and happiness!"

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Huge Crave Photography Giveaway!!!

So if you haven't been over to Crave Photography on Facebook, YOU NEED TO...RIGHT. NOW. They are having a world wide, all expense paid workshop giveaway!!!

Here's the Link to the giveaway! Check it out!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Alice & Wonderland"

So we decided that while we wait for our first Fab Photog interview to launch, that we would share our most recent project! We had SO MUCH FUN doing this themed shoot. It felt so good to finally get this idea that I've had, OUT of my head!!! I had a fabulous team that day and I couldn't have made it happen without them! Special thanks to: Jen Achsel (model), Nyle Webster (assistant/behind the scenes photog) and Cydney Hernandez (hair & makeup). You guys ROCK! Here it is...Enjoy!


Friday, April 8, 2011

Our First Fabulous Photog!...Natalie Bray Photography

INTRO: We are SO excited to be launching our FIRST EVER, Fab Photog Blog interview! This blog is a source of  inspiration, motivation, information and creation for "Newbie" and "Pro" portrait and wedding photographers alike! We will be interviewing one Fabulous Photographer once a week to start out.  As we get more followers, we will post an interview twice a week! If you have a favorite photographer and would love to pick their brain, LET US KNOW! We will take your requests for interviews! Also, any feedback or comments are MUCH appreciated!

So...Stay awhile, kick back and soak in the fabulous-ness! (Is that even a word?!) Enjoy!

Questions for you...You Fabulous Photographer, You!
Name: Natalie Bray
Business Name: Natalie Bray Photography
Location: San Diego, CA
What gear is in your camera bag?
Canon 7D
28 2.0
50 1.4
85 1.8
Holga 120
Holga 35mm
Pentax vintage
Epiphanie bag

Q: What caused your interest in photography? 
A: "A part of my heart has always been with photography, but it took me 28 years to be brave enough to put myself out there artistically and personally. When my husband and I got married 4 years ago I saw our wedding photographer sharing in one of the most intimate commitments of my life, and a huge light went off, why am I not doing this?…and the journey since has been amazing!"

Q: What is your favorite lens to use? 
A: "Right now it's the 50 1.4 because it is great for lifestyle shots and to get close-ups. Love it! Although, I am saving up for the 50 1.2, that thing is like butter I tell you, butter!"

Q: What is your favorite thing to shoot? 
A: "Life, as it happens. All things that bring smiles, joy, love, and whatever truly reflect my client's passions. Oh, I can't forget Weddings! Goodness me, I am a Wedding addict! Also, my niece is too cute for words. She is less than a year old and must be one of the most photographed babies ever, I just love her sooo much! As you can see I have lots of favorites:)".
Q: Do you use studio equipment? If so, what would you say is the most crucial piece in your studio? 
A: "I adore natural light! The light the sun shares, in my opinion, brings a truth to each image and makes my clients look their best. Although, I do use flash and other gear for Wedding receptions to add depth."

Q: How long did it take you to master your skill and discover your style of photography?
A: "One of the things that has drawn me to photography is that it involves constant learning; every day I strive to learn something new. As a result, my skills are always growing and my style is becoming clearer."

Q: Give us one sentence to describe the style of your photography...
A: "Genuine and joy filled photography for the those inspired by love!"

Q: How long did it take before you felt that you established a solid portfolio? 
A: "Honestly, I am still building my portfolio. To me a portfolio is ever evolving and I am always seeking new photos that represent my brand. My website is constantly being updated to be a true reflection of my current work."

 Q: What inspires you most?
A: "L-O-V-E" 

Q: How long does it typically take you to edit your work? 
A: "For a Portrait session maybe 1-3 hours to cull, back-up, edit, and prep for client. For Weddings, each Wedding is different based on client's wants." 

Q: What are you looking most forward to this year...Both professionally, and personally?
A: "Personally, I am looking forward to celebrating my 6 year anniversary with my husband, seeing my niece grow, and our vacation driving up the coast later this year. Professionally, the sky's the limit! I am really honored to be a part of this blog and I am excited about an upcoming collaboration for a Bridal Fashion Shoot happening later this month at The Ace Hotel in Palm Springs. And this summer, I am gitty over the lovely Weddings we have the honor to photograph."

Q: What's the one piece of advice that you feel a person just starting a photography business would benefit from?
A: "Be yourself, stay true to your vision, and follow your heart" 

Q: What's the one thing about your work that you feel sets you apart from the big sea of photogs?
A: "My photography is not about me, it is all about my clients. My aim is to create artistic photographs that truly reflect them."

Q: Do you have an idea for a shoot, but have no clue how you are going to make it happen?
A: "Gosh, I have a ton of ideas. One I have been thinking about lately is shooting a vintage style engagement session at Disneyland, but the catch would be to arrange for it to happen at the perfect glow of sunrise and before the park opens that way we don't have to fight the crowds ;)" 

Q: If you could live anywhere, where would it be? 
A: "San Sebastian, Spain I adore it! Ooooh the food, the people, the history, the beach… it's paradise!"

Q: Is there anything more important than your photography? If so, what is it? 
A: "Yes, my husband, family, friends, and God. Another thing I love about photography is that it is complimentary to all of these important things in my life."

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 
A: "I would love to have a family and build our own home out of sustainable materials. Professionally, I see our business growing to focus mainly on Weddings and Portrait photography.  I hope to collaborate with a videographer, other photographers, stylists, planners, and florists to offer an all inclusive Wedding experience."

Q: Describe in one paragraph what a perfect day for you would look like.
A: "Sleeping in until 11am, reading on my lap top until noon, then making blueberry pancakes, french toast (the kind from scratch) with fresh fruit and whipped cream with my husband, going antique shopping near the ocean and popping in to see an afternoon movie, then just a relaxing night at home, and followed by late night sky diving. . . gotta keep things interesting :)!
I love to live simply, but purposefully and I think that is reflected in my photography as well." 

Q: What are you most proud of? Both professionally and personally?
A: "Personally, my relationship with my husband. And Professionally, my eagerness to learn and challenge myself to be better each day. Also, I have some blog features coming up in the next few months, so that is really exciting too!"

 Thank you so much Natalie! It was so great to get to know you! 
Natalie is definitely someone to watch out for in San Diego and So Cal this year! You've inspired us and we can't wait to see where your passion for photography takes you!

Next week....Interview with Photographer, Tonya Poitevint from Jacksonville, OR!
Stay tuned, and follow us to get updates of our most recent interviews!