Thursday, May 26, 2011

Maria Alexandra Photography

Questions for you...You Fabulous Photographer, You!
Name: Maria Alexandra Brown
Business Name: Maria Alexandra Photography
Location: Medford Oregon
                                                                               Maria Alexandra Brown
 What gear is in your camera bag? 
 The canon 5d Mark ll a 70-200mm  f/ 2.8 , a 24 -105mm f/4 wide angle and a 50mm f/1.8 that is in the process of being replaced with the 50mm f/1.4 a 580 Ex II speed light a flash, diffuser, reflectors, memory cards, and a rubber band to tie my hair up while chasing little ones. 

 What is your favorite lens to use and why? 
I love the 70-200 telephoto the quality that glass gives is truly divine, however if i don't do my push ups it can get really heavy. I also don't have enough room to use it at times. I love the 50mm f/1.8 for all the times i decide to set my 70-200 down. I love getting up close and shooting wide open for that beautiful background blur. ... Oh I can't pick a fave. Ok when i get my 50mm f/1.4 it will be hard to put that one down.
 Give us one sentence to describe the style of your photography.  
Soft and classic or bold and elegant sometimes mixed with a little bit of vintage influenced and inspired by the subject, mood, emotion, and the story I see before me through my lens.
 What caused your interest in photography?
I have always found beauty in all things. The ability to be able to capture that and preserve it is what I fell in love with. (truth - I bought my husband a Canon Xsi and once out of the box decided to keep it for my own ;o)

What is your favorite thing to shoot and why? 
 Portraits are my favorite however it changes all the time because I truly love it all. 

How long did it take before you felt that you established a solid portfolio? 
 About a year, however I feel I will always be working towards it. There is always room to expand, develop and discover.
 How long did it take you to discover your style of photography? 
I have been really honest with myself from the very beginning. Even though I admired, respected and have been inspired by other photographer's work, I have always done my own thing. I can truly say as soon as I learned the technicalities of the camera, equipment, editing, etc I was able to express myself as I see things and develop my own style.

What inspires you most?  
Love, happiness, innocence, emotion. I find all this and more in my beautiful little girls. I am so grateful to have them in my life. 
 How long does it typically take you to edit a portrait shoot? Weddings?  
My turn around time varies depending on the workload I have. Mostly I would say two weeks for portraits up to 6 weeks for weddings. 

Do you use studio equipment? If so, what would you say is the most crucial piece in your studio and why?
I do not have a studio, however I do turn the entire downstairs of my house into one when I need to. The most crucial piece of equipment I use for indoor shoots would be my lighting, and a heater to keep little naked newborns happy. 
 What are you looking most forward to this year...Both professionally, and personally?  
Well my family and I have been planning a move for some time now to the Seattle WA. area. We are very excited to be with family and are in love with the city. I am excited to expand professionally there as well. 

Do you ever get "bored" with your work? If so, what do you do to shake things up?
I think everyone feels like they need a break from time to time. Its less a matter of getting 'bored' and more a matter of feeling inspired. I do make sure I walk away when I am not feeling it. I go for a short walk, water my plants, hang out with the kids, sometimes if that is what it takes I call it a day and get back to work the next. If my mind is not with it I feel like it will show in my work. 
 What's the one thing about your work that you feel sets you apart from the big sea of photogs?   
Oh that is a hard one. I don't really stop to think about it because I try not to compare myself to other photographers. In my eyes we are all so different. There are so many amazingly talented photographers and each of them stand out for something original they posses. Even photographers that have the same type of style or use the same era as inspirations. I actually wrote something a little while back that I would like to share. "I am not trying to be the best .... I am just living each day loving what I do, who I am with, and who I am. The rest all comes on its own" I truly believe that those who are true to themselves and act on their own inspirations and visions are already set apart from everyone else.
 Do you have an idea for a shoot, but have no clue how you are going to make it happen?  
That happens all the time. There are nights I can't fall asleep because of all the ideas that I have. I defiantly need a 'Off' night button I can push. I write down ideas as they come and there always seems to be a client that is just perfect for each of them. There are some I have that are going to have to wait for sometime in the near future ... 

 How do you balance your personal life with your work life?  
This is one area that has been very difficult for me. I am a all or nothing type of person so i can get pretty absorbed in my work, and then my house ends up looking like a stampede of monkeys came running through. I think having a schedule makes all the difference in the world. It allows quality time for everyone and everything. But believe me, its still a work in progress.
 If you could live anywhere, where would it be
I would live 6 months in Seattle and 6 months in Lima Peru, where I am from. That place is truly magical. Ha that sounds funny 6 months of rain 6 months of sun ;) 

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 
 I plan to be one of the judges of America's Next top Model as a "noted fashion photographer extraordinaire" .... ;) I see myself still doing what i am doing now only on a bigger scale. I would love to be an international photographer doing shoots abroad.
 What are you most proud of? Both professionally and personally?  
Professionally I am very proud of all the hard work that has brought me to where I am today. The honesty and fulfillment I get from my photographs and bring to my clients is truly rewarding. Personally? My children are my biggest source of pride and accomplishment. Watching them grow, learn and dream brings me my greatest joy.

Describe in one paragraph what a perfect day for you would look like.  
A delicious breakfast made even better when prepared for me by my husband. A long hot shower, a set of comfy but fabulously stylish clothes, hopping in my recently cleaned car ( I have two children my car is a wreck - you asked about my fantasy day so let a girl dream) and driving around on a beautiful day in the country shooting the things I always only get to talk about and never get to do. 
 What turns you on the most creatively and what turns you off?
I love realness. I love to catch a moment that is beautiful and be able to keep it forever. A moment with emotion whether it is happiness, excitement, wonder, or even sadness. It is something so powerful you feel when you see it. What turns me off is 'Cheese' !!!! 

As far as marketing for your business goes, what would you say are the most important and beneficial things to do when you want to get your name out there?
Word of mouth is great. A website/ blog that you are involved in on a regular basis where you Interact with your clients and other photographers. There is a lot of appreciation for the creativeness, beauty and originality in the arts. The more you share your work, the more people start to know who you are as a photographer. Doing contest or promotions is also a great thing to do. It is always important to give back.
 What's the one piece of advice that you feel a person just starting a photography business would benefit from? 
 After you invest in good equipment, have a solid portfolio and discover who you really are as a photographer, take all the time that you need to do things right. Many talented photographers fail because they do not prepare themselves for the tasks ahead. All talent aside. The photographer must have a business side and most of us find it exhausting to have to deal with. Do all the leg work: logos, business cards, website/blog, pricing, contracts, presentation, products, etc. It seems like a lot to do, and it is, but it is much better to be prepared than trying to figure it all out as you go. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Tweet Toffee - Best Toffee I've EVER had!

I got my Tweet Toffee order today and okay, seriously?! How cute is this packaging!? Don't even get me started on how DELICIOUS it is! They are ALL so good, but I seriously LOVE the Bacon Toffee. Bacon you ask?...Trust me, SO GOOD. It's got that salty, chocolatey, nutty, sweet toffee flavor, with the subtle taste of bacon. MMMM....I may have to include Tweet Toffee as a little thank you gift for my clients! I can't wait until they start shipping again after summer time! But hey, if you live near them, (they are in Eatonville, WA) you can just go get some right now! You won't regret it...Thanks Tweet Toffee for giving me my sweet tooth fix!
Their site is down for now, but check them out on Facebook here: Tweet Toffee Facebook Page

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Veritas Photography - A Husband & Wife Team!

Name: Alyssa+Will Paro
Business Name: Veritas Photography
Location: Louisville, KY

 Alyssa & Will with their two little ones...Picture Perfect!

 Questions for you...You Fabulous Photographers, You!

How did you two meet? Tell us why you decided to go into the business together.
We met playing softball and literally ran into each other while trying to catch a ball! We are both creative people and one thing led to another so we bought our first digital camera. A photo business just kind of fell into our laps and we ran with it.

On a shoot, what is your system when working together, ie. Who does what?
We don’t see it as 50/50, we’re more 100/100 and that starts at home with our marriage. It’s very important to us that we give and pull simultaneously. When you’re a rock at home, you can rock out anything together! Will might start the shoot and then I’ll be deflecting the light and have an idea. When he’s done with his shot I bump in and he takes my spot. It’s great!

 What gear is in your camera bags?
At the moment, we share it all! We have a Nikon d300s (patiently waiting on the rumored d800 this fall!), 70-200mm - ƒ2.8, 35mm – ƒ1.8, 50mm – ƒ1.8, 60mm ƒ2.8 macro, sb600 speedlights, 3 pocket wizard plus II, thinktank memory card holder with 4 cf cards and 3 sd cards, tons of batteries, rope, safety pins, carmex, business cards, an expodisc white balance cap, micro fiber lens cloth and an 8 million dollar home crumpler bag

What is your favorite lens to use and why?
Alyssa: 70-200 ƒ2.8 for the sweet compression.
Will: 70-200 ƒ2.8 It gives the most versatility for the style I enjoy shooting in.
Give us one sentence to describe the style of your photography.
Clean+simple with a modern twist. 

 What caused your interest in photography?
Alyssa: I’ve always been passionate about art and drawing, and this was the only channel that came almost effortlessly to me. My sister went to school for it and always had a camera in her hand growing up. It piqued my interest early.
Will: My Dad was a photographer for the Marine Corps and he let me play around with his camera when I was young. I began taking photo classes in high school while living abroad. I continued taking classes into college.

What is your favorite thing to shoot and why?
Will: Personally, our kids | Professionally it’s a toss up between Senior’s and Weddings.
Alyssa: I agree with Will here on a personal level too. We have a 3 year old daughter and a 4 year old son.  | Professionally, I love shooting Weddings because even though every single one has it’s own unique thumb-print, every one has the common theme: unconditional love

 How long did it take before you felt that you established a solid portfolio, enough to start a business?
Around 2 years.

How long did it take you to discover your style of photography?
To have your own style of photography, you really have to know yourself. I am just now beginning to know myself and it’s showing through in our work.

What inspires you most?
Alyssa: Color
Will: Music

How long does it typically take you to edit a portrait shoot? Weddings?
One portrait session typically takes us one week to finalize. Weddings typically take us 3-4 weeks. When we get distracted in the smallest way, we have to step away from the computer otherwise it will show in our work .

 Do you use studio equipment? If so, what would you say is the most crucial piece in your studio and why?
We use studio equipment about 15% of the time. Whether you’re in studio our on location lighting is the most crucial piece in the photography puzzle. Not just the amount, but also the quality of light.

Where do you advertise your business?
Facebook, website, blog, online marketing and most importantly: word of mouth.

On average, how many hours a week do you put towards marketing your business?
I’m not sure about hours, since we get lost on the computer after the kids go to bed- but we generally strive to update our online marketing 4 times a week at least. 

 What are you looking most forward to this year...Both professionally, and personally?
We are thrilled to see where this year will take us since we will be specializing in Weddings and Senior Portraits.  Personally, holding on to every second I get with our kids. With being able to do this as a profession and working from home, we have realized how much every second counts. Sounds backwards right? Once the kids start school, life itself will forever fly by 10 times faster. This is where photography helps us stay sane with shooting every moment we can of our kids! It’s a very colorful journal. 

 Do you ever get "bored" with your work? If so, what do you do to shake things up?
Alyssa: The day we get bored, we will have to get a new job. There is no other job in the world that I can think of that I wouldn’t get bored in other than photography.
Will: Sometimes I get bored with the administrative end, but luckily Alyssa loves doing that kind of stuff.

What's the one thing about your work that you feel sets you apart from the big sea of photogs?
Our #1 goal for our clients is to have the most unique and custom experience we are able to give them. In the end, the only thing that makes us truly unique is ourselves. It’s the one thing that we will always have that no one else will. We love being around people and having fun with them and I think that clients pick up on that right away. We honestly enjoy taking pictures and when your doing something that you love doing everything just falls into place.

 Do you have an idea for a shoot, but have no clue how you are going to make it happen?
Alyssa:  If I think too far ahead, I start overthinking and get panicky. I love to do as much as I can on a whim. Will does this part for me. He’s always coming up with abstract and sometimes grandiose ideas!

How do you balance your personal life with your work life?
Being that we work from home the majority of the time, it’s a definite challenge. We want to spend as much time with our kids as we can, but we still have to get work done. We do a lot of work after the kids go to bed. There have been many all-nighters.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Will: That’s a tough one. I’m kind of a history nerd and have always wanted to live in Europe.
Alyssa: home. It’s where the heart is.

 Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Will: Fully booked and taking pictures… with a BMW
Alyssa: Comfortably living happily…with a minivan ;)

What are you most proud of? Both professionally and personally?
Will: Personally… My family. Alyssa and I have raised two extremely fun kids and each day is an adventure. Professionally… The fact that we are getting paid to do what we love doing is awesome. You really can’t ask for more…except that BMW
Alyssa: What’s up with this BMW I’ve never heard about! I’m most proud of being a parent. It has helped me the most when it comes to being a professional. Professionally, learning to grow a backbone!

Describe in one paragraph what a perfect day for you two would look like.
Will: Victoria Secret model shoot…wink!!
Alyssa: Ghasp! The most perfect day would be the day all of our family moves to the same town and we can all live near each other and live happily ever after! My family lives in Northern Wisconsin/Michigan and those 15 hour car trips are getting a little hairy!

What turns you on the most creatively and what turns you off?
Will: Freedom really gets me going. The ability to do whatever comes to my mind creatively. I really get bummed when there are too many rules and restrictions.
Alyssa: Fashion! I’ve never really thought about how much fashion could affect a photo, but clothing choices and rich colors really get me pumped up! What turns me off is when I have a blank pallet to work with. I guess that’s tons of art classes will do to you. 

 As far as marketing your business goes, what would you say are the most important and beneficial things to do when you want to get your name out there?
You need the skill set first and foremost. Secondly, you need examples of your work. If you want people to pay you, you need to show them what you can do and have the skills and ability to deliver.

What's the one piece of advice that you feel a person just starting a photography business would benefit from?
It’s an expensive profession… a rewarding one, but expensive.

 You guys are awesome! Will, you had us laughing out loud over here! Don't give up on that BMW...Make it happen! Thank you so much Will & Alyssa for your refreshingly honest answers! Your work is beautiful and we can't wait to see where it takes you!